Monday, November 16, 2009

Playing Catch Up

Whew! Its been a while since I have even visited my own blog! We are all still doing well. Aaron is still working at Spudnik. I am back to work. Gabe started college at ISU. Hagen started high school. Ryker is a big 4th grader this year. We are all busy. Hagen played Freshman Football which was a new experience for him. He's not use to being the lowest on the totem pole and it was a huge adjustment for the whole team. They had a great season. Gabe is adjusting to college. It was also a big adjustment for him and us! Ryker is doing well in school and has decided he loves to play football which makes me very happy! I thought I only had 3 years of sports left but there is hope after all!

I guess I can always wait for my grandkids. But I have cursed all my boys with having all girls! I guess I will be going to dance competitions or, heaven forbid, softball games!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Girls Camp 2009

Girls Camp was amazing! We have the most awesome girls in our ward. Everyone got along and had a great time. Our little Beehives plus two Mia Maids even won the softball tournament. They even beat out the YCL's! I love these girls and the leaders with all my heart.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Class of 2009

Here's some pix of Gabe's graduation. It was short and sweet and just perfect. We are so proud of him. He has been such a blessing in all of our lives. Its hard for me to think of him as a young man, but he is. And a darn good one at that! We love you, Bubs! xoxoxo

Monday, May 25, 2009

Life is too short!

Today I found my old friend from school on facebook. We have been in touch off and on since then but it has been a LONG time since we have talked. She told me she just found out her cancer is back and she is receiving stem cell treatments. I didn't even know she had cancer the first time. She is a succesful photographer in Conecticut. She has three beautiful boys and a loving husband which makes me feel better about being so far away.

We had so much fun growing up together. She is so full of life and is so funny! I know she can get through this. But I'm still going to pray for her and make sure I keep in touch from now on.
She posted these pictures on her facebook. I don't think she'd mind me sharing them with you.
I love and miss you, Charisse!


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Great & Awesome Visitor

We had a great and awesome visitor at our house last week. Maybe some of you are familiar with the "Flat Stanleys" that are sent around. We had a "Flat Kimber" come and stay with us. It was kind of hard finding things here in the metropolis of Blackfoot Idaho to take her to. But I think we did ok. We managed to take her to Brigham Utah for Carlie's baptism. That made it possible for us to have her picture taken with a lot of the family.
We, ok I, had a lot of fun with this. I think I need to get out more often!

Love you, Kimber! You too, Carlie!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Making Memories

So I went to a funeral today for my Uncle. I hardly knew him. I went through the line and had to be introduced to most of my cousins. I hardly know any of them as well. When my parents divorced I was three and I didn't have much to do with my dad's side of the family after that. I wish I had. It seems like they are all a great bunch of people.

At the funeral all of my uncle's boys stood up and talked about great memories they have of their father. That got me thinking about the memories I have of my dad. I can't think of any. That is so sad to me. I can't think of one memory I have of him when I was small other than riding in his truck when he would drive me back home from a visit.

I want to make sure that my boys know and love their cousins on both sides of their family. I want to make sure that my boys have so many memories of their dad that they have a hard time figuring out which one is their favorite. I never want them to feel like they are out of place and alone when they are surrounded by family.

I just feel like I missed out on so much. I try not to feel sorry for myself but today I think I will allow myself to for just a little while. Sorry for such a depressing blog. This is more for me than for anyone else. I'll do a more cheerful blog in a few days.


Monday, March 30, 2009

My baby boy is 18!

So Gabe turns 18 today. It is such a bittersweet day for me. I am so proud of him and the choices he has made. I have been thinking all day today what I could have or should have done differently to help him meet this day with confidence and the knowledge he will need.

I think back to the day he was born. I was so scared and alone. God blessed me with such a special boy that has been so patient with me and has been the great example to me that I needed. I have been in awe of his faith and persistence in all he does. He never quits and never gives up in all he does. Ok, except for maybe jobs. We have to work on that one.

I thought I would ask all of you that read this blog what you would tell a young man turning 18. If you could give him one bit of advice what would you say?

I hope I have taught him the things he can use in his life. I hope he will still come to me with questions and problems and maybe even a hug now and then. Geez I love this kid!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

We're still here!

I just wanted to let you know that we're still alive. We've just been real busy and everyone's been passing the sick bugs around. We are on spring break this week which has been awesome! I don't think Aaron likes being the only one who has to get up each morning, but I sure love it!

We have started baseball already! You gotta love Idaho baseball in the snow and rain and always the wind. Gabe had a really good game last Saturday. Hagen had his first practice that same day and looked great too! Ryker doesn't want to play baseball so I think I have him talked in to trying soccer. We'll see!

I have a new calling in church and it has been amazing. It has kept me way busy but I love it. I'm in Young Womens and I have never been around so many amazing girls! They are truly awesome. They inspire me to be a better person each time I'm around them.

I'll post some pix soon. I just don't have any to share right now.
See you soon!

Monday, January 26, 2009

One boy all boy, two boy half a boy, want to know what you get when you have seven?!?!?

My sweet spoiled rotten bratty baby turned 9 this month. I can't believe it! We had great plans for an awesome birthday party. See these cute little innocent faces in this picture? They are foolin' you! Do not trust them! If you see them in a group run for your lives!!

He wanted to have a giant sleepover so we said yes. WOW! Let me just say, never again! There were fights, tears, injuries, and I'm sure much more that I haven't been told about yet.

We had games planned that didn't all go as planned. Like the marshmallow tower contest.

And the mummy wrap contest. Do you think Ryker is telling Preston, "Just shutup and let us cover you with this toilet paper!"?

At least I got them all home in one piece the next morning. A few of them had bumps on their heads and fat lips from sliding down the stairs in their sleeping bags. I cringed every time my phone rang the next day thinking it was going to be an irate parent.

Did I ever tell you that I have "friend anxiety"? I have self diagnosed myself. This many friends at my house sent me back into my safe little box for a week!

The next night we had our family party for Ryker. See the boy sitting in the chair getting ready to blow out the candles. I don't know who he is. He came with my sister, Jeanne, and yes, he blew out the candles for Ryker. That did not go over well at all.

I guess there's always next year. And you can bet your booty that there will only be three boys allowed for the sleepover and no strangers at the family party!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Hagen- That's all I need to say

The other day I asked Hagen to help me bring in the groceries. This is what he wore OUTSIDE to unload the suburban! Notice the shoes. They are mine which are about 3 sizes too small for him. It was about 8 degrees outside, and yes, those are his underwear. I don't even know what to say.

I need to apologize to all my neighbors who have small innocent daughters. Please keep them indoors from 4:00 p.m. until 9:00 a.m. weekdays and just keep them in at all times on the weekends.
