Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thankful 11/26

Today I'm thankful for gingerbread house kits! I'll post some pictures later. It was so easy and fun. I bought the kit about a month ago and unfortunately I told Ryker about it almost 2 weeks ago. So I've had to listen to him beg every day to make it. So finally today after we cleaned his room we made the gingerbread house. We had a great time.

I'm thankful for my most loveable great nephew, Brycen. Yes, I said great nephew. I am that old. He is the funniest most precious little boy I know. He has the greatest personality. I just want to squeeze him to death, but he never lets me get that close.

I'm thankful for my son Hagen. He has the best sense of humor and he cracks me up all the time. He is also a tender hearted big tough boy. I think most people don't realize what a soft heart he really has.
I'm thankful for cell phones so I can keep in touch with my sons every hour and minute of the day. I don't know how parents survived without them!
I am thankful for teenagers that live life to its fullest. Who do things because they're fun and it makes them laugh, no matter how they look to other people. It's too bad we lose that when we grow up. Then again, maybe its not.

Monday, November 24, 2008


Today I am thankful for:

Family- We went to Utah Sunday and spent the day with Aaron's family. They are so awesome. We had a great dinner and a great time. Lots of laughs and stories.

My sister Bobbie- I spent a lot of time with her this weekend. We went to a craft fair and then we went to the show together. It was a lot of fun. I love spending time with her.

The beautiful sunsets- Ever since my mom passed away when I was a senior in high school she sends me beautiful sunsets. My boys even know when we have been sent a "Grandma Grubb Sunset". I know this seems silly but it just a way of staying connected with her. She always loved sunsets and I like to think she sends them to me just to let me know that she loves me.

Washer & Dryers!- I'm looking at all this laundry I need to do and I am so thankful that we have the convenience of washer & dryers. I can't imagine scrubbing some of these "things" my boys put in the hamper with my bare hands!

Answered Prayers- I have decided that my greatest lesson in life that my Heavenly Father wants me to learn is patience. I don't have any! But slowly I am learning that if I just turn things over to Him things are always taken care of. Although its not always how I think it should turn out it is always the way it should be.

Lots of love

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thankful List

I'm falling behind on my thankful list so here are a few silly things I'm thankful for.

I'm thankful for Christmas music. I would listen to it all year if my husband would allow it.

I'm thankful for my husband (again) who took Ryker to Bolt last night so I could go see Twilight. He didn't know about the goofy 3-D glasses he'd have to wear. They were hilarious! (Thanks, honey. I owe you one :)

I'm thankful for Stephanie Meyer who wrote the Twilight series. I LOVE her books and I loved the movie too. P.S. I also love Edward!

I'm thankful for the TCM channel. I love old black and white movies to the horror of my boys.

That's it for now.

Friday, November 21, 2008


Ok, so my friend Kathy has been blogging each day of things she is thankful for. So today I'm starting my own list.

I'm thankful for three boys that keep my life exciting, fun, and crazy. When I'm alone in my house with none of them here the silence is almost too much to bare. They each bring such joy into my life.

I'm thankful for my husband who is awesome. He is such a good dad and my boys love him too. He can fix almost anything we break!

I'm thankful for my job. I love working with kids! They keep everything so real. They are so honest and ready to love. It has given me a whole new perspective on life.

I'm thankful for this wonderful country and the men and women who have fought for our freedoms.

I'm thankful for my health. I have been really lucky to not have any major problems with my health. (knock on wood) I know I should take better care of myself and I take my health for granted but I am thankful for it.

Ok, so that's enough for today. I'll be back tomorrow with more.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

He's a Lego Maniac!

Ryker LOVES Legos! This is just one of the many things he has made. He now makes movies with his legos. He films each shot one frame at a time making his lego guys move. It is so cool.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Dumb and Dumber go to Homecoming

This is Gabe and his friend Kyle on their way to their Homecoming Dance. Don't they look handsome?!